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Umbrella insurance is excess liability insurance.

Do I need umbrella insurance?

If you have assets, a job, or exposed to additional risk (like having young drivers, a pool, boat, etc) - YES, YOU NEED AN UMBRELLA POLICY. An umbrella policy is a liability policy that blankets over the underlying policies once those limits are exhausted. It protects you financially if you are involved in a serious accident. It provides peace of mind. Let's face it, we live in a world where everyone is sue happy. Give yourself peace of mind that if you are sued, you feel comfortable you have enough coverage. Umbrella policies usually come in increments of $1,000,000. You would itemize your coverage, example: 2 homes, 3 cars, 2 rental properties, etc. Sometimes you can add a layer of uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage. Example of how this works: Auto policy carries limits of $250,000 each person. You have a $1,000,000 umbrella policy. You crash and injur someone. They sue you. You have $1,250,000 in liability coverage. Home policy carries limits of $300,000. You have a $1,000,000 umbrella policy. Someone injurs themselves at your house. They sure you. You have $1,300,000 in liability coverage. Contact me for an umbrella quote today:

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